About Our Wheat (f4) IgE


If you are at risk for a wheat allergy, being exposed to wheat protein can activate your immune system for an allergic reaction. Immunoglobulin (IgE) mediated reactions to wheat are caused by either ingestion or inhalation of the allergen (1). Wheat allergy should not be confused with celiac disease. Wheat allergy is when your body's immune system creates antibodies to proteins found in wheat. Celiac disease is a different immune response that is triggered by gluten ingestion which results in damage to your small intestine. Wheat allergy is fairly common and symptoms will develop a few minutes or hours after contact, ingestion or inhalation of the wheat substance.

Test Contents

Wheat (f4) IgE


Symptom Description

Irritation of the mouth or throat including swelling

Tightness or itching skin rash

Nasal Congestion


Dizziness or Fainting





Chest pain or tightness

Difficulty breathing

Difficulty swallowing

When To Check

If you suffer from allergies Age: Wheat allergy is more common in babies and children but can develop in adults If you experience allergy symptoms after contact with wheat If you have a family member who suffers from a wheat allergy, it is possible you are at higher risk of developing the same allergy.

How to test

Order Your Test

Choose the test you want to take to know your body better. Then, order your tests online.

Visit A Local Lab

With 2000+ locations, you’ll find a lab near you, easy. Bring your order number to the lab and get tested.

Get Your Result

Download your results from your secure online portal.

Frequently Asked Questions

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When To Check
